This article is for:
Sometimes your client might want to split the cost between card and cash, or between different credit cards. You can easily do this during the checkout process. Follow this guide to find out how.
Step-by-step instructions
1 Begin by checking out the client like you normally do. Click the appointment and select Checkout.
2 Make sure everything is added to their invoice, then click Checkout.
3 Where the full price is shown, you can change this to the amount the client wants to pay first.
4 Select how your client would like to pay.
5 You'll see that there is still a remaining amount to be paid. The remainder is automatically in the box.
6 Select how they're going to pay for the remainder of the invoice.
7 Confirm on your card reader that any payments have been accepted, then click Tap to complete.
8 Done! Your client has successfully split their payment easily.