Keeping track of what products are coming in and out of your business doesn't need to be a hassle.
In Timely, we have a number of reports available that allow you to keep tabs on your professional and retail stock:
Product sales report
The Product sales report gives you insight into which products are selling. You can filter this by location and staff member, to see a list of all products that have been sold, within a given date range.
This is perfect for:
- Seeing which products are the most popular.
- Tallying the total cost of products sold (this is particularly useful if your products are sold on consignment).
- Viewing the total profit for retail product sales.
- If run for an individual staff member, this report can be used for calculating commission.
Next to each product you'll see the current stock available, the total quantity sold and how this contributes to your total product sales (as a percentage).
You will also see the Cost price and the Gross [retail] value of the product. We'll also calculate the Net profit for that product; which is the Gross value, minus the Cost price (Gross value - Cost Price = Net profit).
Customer product sales
- This report allows you to take a closer look at specific product sales in a given period. The report will list all product sales, along with which client purchased them.
This allows you to:
- See which clients are buying products.
- Identify which product a specific client has purchased.
- View the invoice associated with any product sale
This report will list every client that has purchased a product during the date range selected. This will include the Invoice # and Invoice date, as well as the Product name, Quantity sold and the total Amount received.
As discounts are applied to the sale generally, and not an individual item, there isn't a way to record a discount against a product sale. This means this report does not take into account any discounts that have been applied to the invoice.
Invoice detail
This report gives you a detailed breakdown of all sales made within a selected date range.
This is based on the same information in the Sales report and Product sales report, so it is perfect for:
- Identifying all sales raised during this period.
- Calculating staff commission based on appointment and retail sales.
- Viewing all discounts applied within a specific date range.
You can filter this report by location, staff member and date, as well as by item. This allows you to view sales for just bookings, services, products, packages or discounts.
To view all sales during the date range, you can choose " Everything" option:
You can also click on the Invoice # to view the associated sale, or on the client's name to view their client profile. Tip! Right click on the link and choose Open in a new tab, so you can quickly return to the report.
This report includes both paid and unpaid invoices, so we recommend checking this against the Unpaid invoices report, if you don't pay commission on unpaid sales.
Stock levels
The Stock levels reports shows a list of all your current stock levels, the total amount of stock you have recorded "in hand". It's not possible to view this report for a historical date.
However, you can choose to filter this report by Location, as well as by Stock type (Retail vs Professional).
Product summary
At the top of the report you will see a summary of your total stock levels at each location. This will shown the number of products ( Product count) and the total stock available.
You can also see at a glance how many products are Below alert point or Out of stock. As well as the total value of stock on hand, including both cost price and retail value.
Product details
You can then see the stock levels for each product added to your account. This includes the name and the SKY/handle (e.g. barcode). You will also have a bunch of other relevant information on hand including the Cost and Retail price, for both the individual product and the stock remaining.
If the product is below the alert threshold set for that product, the stock level will be shown in red. This allows you to see at glance what products need re-ordering.
Products that are set to Unlimited won't have a specific stock level recorded. A product will usually be set as Unlimited when there isn't a physical product to sell e.g. a digital product, voucher, tip or fee.
Stock movement
The Stock movement report allows you to track any changes in stock levels, within a certain date range. Unlike the stock level report, you can run this for a future or historical date range.
The report lists all your retail products and internal stock, with both a Start and End stock level. You can then see how much stock has been Added or Removed during that time, which will be tallied up under each adjustment reason.