It's important to make sure your Timely account is secure to protect your business and client data. You can do this by creating a strong password and using it for your Timely account ONLY. Here are some tips for creating a secure password.
Choose a password that is hard to guess
When creating a password, it can be tempting to use a child's birthday, or the name of your pet. Unfortunately this information is often easy to find online which means your password can be easy to guess. You should also avoid using generic or default passwords like password, password 123 etc
Use capital letters, lowercase letters, numbers or special characters
A complex password with 8 characters is required when setting up your Timely password. Your password must be:
- A minimum of 8 characters in length, but longer is recommended.
- It must contain 3 out 4 of the following:
Upper case letters.
Lower case letters.
Special characters
To make your password even more secure, you can scatter capital letters into your password rather than just having them at the beginning. For example:
- the cat sAt on the m@t
Make your password long
Longer passwords are also much more secure. If you're struggling to come up with a longer password, why not try incorporating a phrase in your password while incorporating the above rules? Phrases are considered one of the most secure ways to create a password as they are extremely difficult to guess or hack.
Examples of phrase passwords with these rules met are:
The cat sat on the m@t
My favourite drink is coff33
Jack and the b3an stalk
Test your password strength
You can test out your password to see how long it would take for a computer to crack your password using How Secure Is My Password? - this tool gives you an idea of how many years it would take to crack your password.
Remember though, that this tool doesn't know what dates are relevant to you, so tip one still applies! Try to not use meaningful dates, pet or children's names etc.
Use a password manager
Password managers are the best way to keep your passwords secure. Lastpass and Dashlane are two commonly used password managers that are easy to use on both desktop and mobile devices. You can install extensions to your web browser as well to automatically fill in your passwords for you.
The other helpful aspect of password managers is that most include a password generator. These generate random passwords that are very hard to crack and automatically save them for future use with that particular website and username.