TimelyPay is Timely’s own payment solution that allows you to sign up easily, take payments from clients through in-store terminals, online bookings, manage invoices, sell gift vouchers, and get paid quickly!
TimelyPay is currently only available to customers based in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.
If TimelyPay is not available in your country, you can express your interest by submitting a Help Form at our Help Centre.
In this guide, we will cover:
- What you need to get started
- How to set up TimelyPay
Setup Questions
- I already have Stripe - can I connect it to TimelyPay?
- Can I have this and another online payment gateway enabled?
- What are the accepted documents for proof of identity?
- What are the accepted documents for proof of home address?
- What are the accepted documents for proof of business?
- Why am I not receiving my SMS verification code?
- How do I check transactions from TimelyPay?
- Can I use this in-store?
What you will need to get started?
- To get started with TimelyPay, make sure you have the following on hand:
- Your mobile phone to receive a verification code
- Your personal information: name, email address, date of birth, home address and phone number.
- Your company website or another relevant online link (like your Facebook page)
- Proof of identity:
- Passport
- Driver's license
- Identity card
- Proof of address with your name on it:
- Utility bill
- Statement from a financial institution (like a bank statement)
- Letter issued from a government institution
- Drivers license (if this has not already been used as Proof of Identity)
- Identity card (if this has not already been used as Proof of Identity)
Check that you are using a Chrome, Safari or Microsoft Edge browser and your browser application is up to date, as Stripe’s upload tools may not work properly with older browsers.
- Bank number to receive the payouts
How to set up TimelyPay
1. Go to 'Setup' then click 'TimelyPay', click the "Set up TimelyPay" button
2. Choose your payment terms for online booking. This is optional, if you don't wish to set up payment terms, just click 'skip for now'.
3. Select your business type.
When choosing your TimelyPay account type , choose 'I am registered as a company' if other people own some share of your business and 'I am an individual / sole trader' if you 100% own the business yourself.
Please also note that your business name, address and name in the application must match the documentation you will need to provide.
4. You will be asked to verify your identity via our payments processor, Stripe.
5. You will then be redirected back to the TimelyPay page.
From the TimelyPay dashboard you can update your payment settings, update yourStripe account details, and review TimelyPay transactions.
7. Once you have online payments coming through, your payouts will be deposited directly to your business' bank account according to your selected payment schedule.
Setup questions
I already have Stripe - can I connect it to TimelyPay?
You cannot use your standard Stripe account to connect to TimelyPay because it uses a different version of Stripe account. To sign up with a new account, click the "Set up TimelyPay" button from the Timely Add ons page and follow the on-screen instructions.
Please note you will need to use a different email address to the one that you use for your current Stripe account
Can I have this and another online payment gateway enabled?
- No, you can only have one online payment gateway enabled at any given time. Activating TimelyPay will automatically deactivate your existing payment gateway, but you will benefit from managing all your bookings and payments in one place and your clients will still be able to continue using the most popular card types online.
Why did my identity verification fail?
- There could be a few reasons why your identity verification failed:
- Your details as an account owner and/or business did not match the documents you provided.
- The document you provided was not clear or readable.
- Your account was rejected due to suspected fraud or illegal activity.
- Your account was rejected due to suspected terms of service violations.
- Your account was rejected because it is on a third-party prohibited persons or companies list (such as financial services provider or government).
To solve this, you need to re-upload your documents by going to your TimelyPay account. If you need more help, get in touch with us by submitting a Help Form at our Help Centre, and we'll work with Stripe directly.
What are the accepted documents for proof of identity?
The following document types are accepted by Stripe:
- Passport
- Drivers license
- Identity card
A summary of document standards is listed below:
- Documents must be uploaded in full colour (i.e. no black-and-white scans).
- Documents must be clear (i.e. with all edges included) and large enough to read.
- Photocopies of identity documents are not acceptable.
- Documents must be valid and not expired.
- Complete documents must be uploaded. A complete document is defined as:
- Both front and back of a driver’s license or identity card.
- The entire personal information page of a passport.
- Documents can be uploaded in .png or .jpg format (photos and colour scans acceptable).
- If using a photo, make sure that it’s well lit from the front, not the back and that your fingers are not covering any parts of the ID.
What are the accepted documents for proof of home address?
The following document types are accepted by Stripe:
- Utility bill
- Statement from a financial institution
- Letter issued from a government institution
- Drivers license (if this has not already been used as Proof of Identity)
- Identity card (if this has not already been used as Proof of Identity)
The following document types are not accepted by Stripe:
- Tenancy agreement/lease
- Utility company attestation letter
- Private insurance bill
- Telephone/mobile bill
A summary of document standards is listed below:
- Documents must be clear and large enough to read.
- Documents must be dated within the past six months.
- Complete documents must be uploaded. A complete document is defined as:
- At least one full page of the document.
- The full name and address of the individual are clearly stated and legible.
- Documents can be uploaded in .png, .jpg, or .pdf format.
What are the accepted documents for proof of business?
The following document types per country are accepted by Stripe:
- Australia:
- VAT Registration (if applicable)
- Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) Record of Registration
- Australian Business Register Confirmation
- Australian Business Register Extract
- Consumer Affairs Association Extract
- Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Extract
2. Austria:
- Firmenbuchauszug (Commercial register extract)
- Mehrwertsteuerregistrierung (VAT Registration)
3. Belgium:
- Btw-registratie / Immatriculation à la TVA (VAT Registration)
- Un extrait de la Banque-Carrefour des Entreprises (BCE) / Inschrijving in de Kruispuntbank van Ondernemingen (KBO) / Eintragung in die Zentrale Datenbank der Unternehmen (ZDU) (Commercial register extract)
- Un extrait de la Banque-Carrefour des Entreprises (BCE)/Inschrijving in de Kruispuntbank van Ondernemingen (KBO)/ Eintragung in die Zentrale Datenbank der Unternehmen (ZDU) (Commercial register extract)
- Statuten / Statuts (Articles of Incorporation)
- Kopie van publicatie in de Bijlagen tot het Belgisch Staatsblad / Copie des annexes publiées dans le registre officiel belge / Ausfertigung zur Veröffentlichung in den Anlagen zum Belgischen Staatsblatt (Copy of appendices published in the official Belgian register)
- Financiële staten / États financiers / Jahresabschluss (Financial statements)
4. Bulgaria:
- Регистрация по ДДС (VAT Registration)
- Извлечение от Търговския регистър и регистъра на ЮЛНЦ (Commercial register extract)
5. Cyprus:
- Εγγραφή στο μητρώο Φ.Π.Α. (VAT Registration)
- Καταστατικό / Şirket ana sözleşmesi (Articles of association)
- Συστατική Πράξη Εταιρείας / Şirket Kuruluş Onay Belgesi (Certificate of Incorporation)
- Οικονομικές καταστάσεις / Mali tablolar (Financial statements)
- Μητρώο Επιχειρηματικών Οντοτήτων (Commercial register extract)
6. Czech Republic:
- Registrace DPH (VAT Registration)
- Výpis z obchodního rejstříku (Commercial register extract)
- Stanovy akciové společnosti (Articles of association)
- Registrace obchodu (Trade registration)
7. Denmark:
- Momsregistrering (VAT Registration)
- Udskrift af handelsregisteruddrag (Commercial register extract)
- Vedtægter (By-laws)
- Registreringsattest (Registration certificate)
- Regnskaber (Financial statements)
8. Estonia:
- Käibemaksukohustuslasena registreerimine (VAT Registration)
- Äriregistri registrikaart (Commercial register extract)
- Maksuandmete tõend (Tax certificate)
9. Finland:
- Tilinpäätökset / Årsredovisning (Financial statements)
- Yhtiöjärjestys / Bolagsordning (Articles of association)
- Kaupparekisteriote / Handelsregistrering (Trade registration)
- Kaupparekisteriote / Utdrag från handelsregister (Commercial register extract)
- ALV-rekisteröinti / Momsregistreringsnummer (VAT Registration)
10. France:
- VAT Registration
- Comptes annuels (Financial statements)
- Extrait K, L, Kbis ou Lbis (Commercial register extract)
- Extrait d'immatriculation D1 (Artisan register extract)
- Avis de situation au répertoire Sirene (Siren register extract)
- Lettre de confirmation de numéro SIREN délivrée par l'Urssaf (Siren number confirmation)
- Statuts de l'entreprise (Articles of incorporation)
11. Germany:
- USt-Registrierung (VAT Registration)
- Gewerbeanmeldung (Trade registration)
- Gewerbeschein (Trade license)
- Handelsregisterauszug (Commercial register extract)
- Jahresabschluss (Financial statements)
12. Greece:
- Εγγραφή στο μητρώο Φ.Π.Α. (VAT Registration)
- Εγγραφή σε εμπορικό μητρώο (Commercial registration)
- Απόσπασμα εμπορικού μητρώου (Commercial register extract)
- Πιστοποιητικό / Βεβαίωση Εγγραφής (Certificate of registration)
- Απόσπασμα εμπορικού μητρώου (Commercial register extract)
13. Ireland:
- VAT Registration
- Certificate of Registration
- Partnership Agreement
- Certificate of Incorporation
- Articles of Association
- An Oifig um Chlárú Cuideachtaí (Companies Registration Office) (Commercial Register Extract)
14. Italy:
- Certificato di attribuzione Partita Iva / Certificato Partita Iva (VAT Registration)
- Certificato di iscrizione al Registro Imprese / Certificato camerale (Company registration certificate)
- Atto costitutivo (Articles of incorporation)
- Statuto (By-laws-Memorandum)
- Visura camerale / Certificato camerale (Registers and lists of authorized entities)
- Rendiconto finanziario / Bilancio (Financial statements or equivalent documents)
15. Latvia:
- PVN reģistrācijas apliecība (VAT Registration)
- Uzņēmuma reģistrācijas apliecība (Business Registration)
- Komersanta reģistrācijas apliecība (Merchant Registration Certificate)
- Lursoft dokuments (Lursoft Document)
- Reģistra izsniegts dokuments ar PVN maksātāja numuru (VAT number from the register)
16. Lithuania:
- PVM mokėtojo registracija (VAT Registration)
- Lietuvos Respublikos juridinių asmenų registro išplėstinis išrašas (Extract from the register of entities)
- Registravimo pažymėjimas (Registration certificate)
17. Luxembourg:
- Publication des statuts / Veröffentlichung der Satzung (Memorandum / Publication of articles of association)
- Immatriculation à la TVA / Umsatzsteuerregistrierung (VAT registration)
- Licence commerciale / Handelslizenz (Trade license)
18. Malta:
- Commercial register extract
19. Netherlands:
- btw-registratie (VAT Registration)
- uittreksel Kamer van Koophandel (Company registration certificate)
- statuten (By-laws memorandum)
20. New Zealand:
- VAT Registration (if applicable)
- New Zealand Business Number Registration Extract
- New Zealand Companies Office Company Extract
21. Poland:
- Odpis z Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego - KRS + REGON (Odpis z Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego - KRS + REGON)
- Numer Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego (KRS) (National Court Register number)
- Zaświadczenie o numerze identyfikacyjnym REGON (REGON certificate)
22. Portugal:
- Registo para efeitos de IVA (VAT Registration)
- Estatutos (da sociedade) (Articles of incorporation)
- Certidão de regularidade / Certificado de inscrição (Certificate of Good Standing)
23. Romania:
- Certificat de înregistrare fiscală (Tax Registration Certificate)
- Certificate constatatoare (Certificate constatatoare)
24. Slovakia:
- Registrácia DPH (VAT Registration)
- Rozhodnutie z Ministerstva kultúry Slovenskej republiky (Rozhodnutie z Ministerstvo Kultury Slovenskj republiky)
- Výpis z Obchodného registra (Certificate of Incorporation)
25. Slovenia:
- Registracija za DDV (če velja za uporabnika) (VAT Registration)
- Obvestilo o identifikaciji in razvrstitvi po dejavnostih (Obvestilo o Identifikaciji in Razvrstitvi po Dejavnosti)
- Elektronski izpisek iz Poslovnega registra Slovenije (e-izpisek) (Electronic Business Extract)
- Ustanovitveni akt (Incorporation document)
26. Spain:
- VAT Registration
- Documento acreditativo del NIF (NIF document)
- Escritura de constitución (Company registration certificate)
27. Sweden:
- Momsregistreringsnummer (VAT Registration)
- Registreringsbevis (Registration Certificate)
- Registreringsbevis (Skatteverket) (Document issued by government agency showing organization identity number)
- Bolagsordningsintyg (Articles of association)
- Bankårsbesked (Financial statements)
- Inskrivningsbevis (Notice by the Registration Office in the Official Gazette)
28. United Kingdom:
- VAT Registration
- Certificate of Incorporation
- Companies House Document
- HM Revenue and Customs: VAT Certificate
- HM Revenue and Customs: Account Statement
- Charity Commission Document
- OSCR Scottish Charity Regulator
A summary of document standards is listed below:
- Documents must be clear and large enough to read.
- Documents must be valid and representative of up-to-date registration.
- Complete documents must be uploaded. A complete document is defined as:
- The full business name, business address, and either VAT number OR company registration number of the incorporated entity are clearly stated and legible.
- If this information is spread across multiple pages of your document, you need to upload a PDF containing all the relevant pages.
- Documents can be uploaded in .pdf format.
Why am I not receiving my SMS verification code?
Codes can take up to 30 minutes to be delivered in some cases. If you have not received the code after 30 minutes, try requesting another code.
If the second attempt still does not deliver a code, try another mobile number, ideally with a different cell phone provider, as there might be a problem with their SMS delivery.
If you need more help, get in touch with us by submitting a Help Form at our Help Centre and we'll work with Stripe directly.
How do I check transactions from TimelyPay?
You can view your transactions from the ' TimelyPay' page by clicking on the “View transactions” button.
From the transaction history page, you can view transactions from TimelyPay based on your payout period, a specific date range or a specific location (if you have multiple locations).
To learn more about the TimelyPay Transaction History page, check this help article.
Can I use this in-store?
Yes, TimelyPay allows you to take payments against your clients’ saved cards at checkout. Any client who has saved a card will automatically have it added as a payment type at checkout!