With Timely, you can create invoices for appointments, classes, products and packages. This guide will cover how to set up your invoices:
- Add a logo and contact details
- Add your business registration number and type (e.g. GST, VAT, ABN
- Set your payment terms and instructions
- Set your invoice printing format for each location
- Create and apply taxes
- Create custom payment types
Most of these settings can be found under Setup > Sales settings in your account.
This feature may not be available on your current plan. Find out how to upgrade in our How to change your Timely plan guide.
Business logo and contact details
Your business logo and contact details will be automatically added to your printed invoice. The logo will appear in the top-right corner and the location contact details in the top left-hand corner.
The required logo dimensions are 250 by 150. The maximum file size is 2MB and you can upload an image in .png, .jpg or .gif format.
To upload a logo to your account:
- Head to Setup > Business details.
- Scroll down to the Business logo section.
- Click Edit, then the Upload new photo button to select an image.
- Hit Save to return and click Save again on the page to apply.
To update the address for each location:
- Head to Setup > Locations.
- Click Edit next to the location.
- Update the Address and City fields.
- Click Save to apply.
Tip: If you'd like to include a contact number and/or email address in these fields then you can add these to the second address line and/or the City field.
If your client's address is saved to their Timely profile this will automatically pull through to the invoice.
Invoice settings
Now that you've got your invoices looking the part, you can add additional terms and requirements to your invoices:
- Head to Setup > Sales settings.
- At the top of the page you will see the Invoice settings.
- Choose your desired terms under Payment terms for invoices which will be displayed on your invoice.
- Add an Invoice title e.g. Tax invoice/Receipt/Quote (see below).
- If your business is registered to pay tax (VAT, GST etc), add your Business registration number and Business registration type:
- Add any Payment instructions/notes (these will be applied to every invoice:
- If desired, set the Next invoice number:
- Check the box next to Hide business name, address, and logo if you wish to use your own letterhead (see above).
- Check the box next to Hide payment history on invoices to not show payments made on the printed/emailed invoice (see above).
- Click Save to apply any changes.
Need to add a unique number for each staff member?
If you need to include a provider number or registration number on the invoice, that is unique for every staff member, then you can add this to the staff member's profile under Setup > Staff > Personal Info > Reference type/Number.
This will be displayed under the tax/registration type in the top right corner of the invoice:
Invoice printing
You can decide whether you'd like to print a PDF version of the invoice, or a thermal receipt version. These are set at a location level and can be adjusted as follows:
- Head to Setup > Sales settings.
- Scroll down to Invoice printing settings.
- Select a Print format for each location:
- Click Save to update.
For more information on how to connect a thermal printer, check out our How to use thermal receipt printing in Timely guide.
You can set up and apply tax to your services, classes, products, packages and discounts:
Head to Setup > Sales settings > Taxes to get started.
Check out our How to add taxes to Timely guide for more info on working with tax in Timely.
You can apply a tax to all of your services etc by checking the Apply to all box next to the tax and hitting Save. This box won't remain checked, but the tax will still be applied to your services etc.
Payment types
By default, we include a couple of default payment types;
- On account (Unpaid)
- Credit Card
- Cash
You won't be able to delete or edit these payment types, but you can add as many custom payment types as you require.
This can be done from the Setup > Sales settings page, under the Payment types heading:
Check out our How to create your own payment types guide for step-by-step instructions.