Zapier lets you connect your apps and automates information transfer between them, which saves you time and keeps your records accurate and current. This help guide explains which information can be 'zaped' and how to set up the Zapier integration.
Note: Zapier is in BETA testing. Follow this link to add Timely to your Zapier account. You'll be asked to input a unique API Key. This can be found by visiting Settings > Add-Ons and then click 'Activate' to see your unique Zapier API Key.
This feature is only available on our Innovate plan; everything you need to take your business to the next level. Find out how to upgrade in our How to change your Timely plan guide.
With Zapier you’ll be able to automate the transfer of customer details such as:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Company Name
- Gender
- Date Of Birth
- Telephone Number
- SMS Number
- Physical Address
- Postal Address
- Email Marketing Preference
- SMS Marketing Preference
- Outstanding Balance Owed
- Outstanding Credit
- No Show Count
- VIP status
- Next Appointment Date
- Next Appointment Time
- Next Appointment Location
Log into Zapier and click 'Make a Zap’, then find and click Timely.
Select the trigger ‘Customer Trigger’ (We only offer customer updates at the moment, more information will be able to be triggered in the future)
Click "Connect a new account."
This will open a new window where you can enter your Zapier API key.
You’ve now authenticated your account and connected Timely with Zapier. You can now create as many ‘Triggers’ and ‘Zaps’ as you need.
For step by step instructions on how to set up 'Zaps' and 'Triggers', head to Zapier's 'Getting Started with Zapier' help guide.
Once your 'Zaps' and 'Triggers' have been configured, these will be processed every time an update is made to one of the customer details fields mentioned above.