There may be times where you need to void a sale or a payment in Timely. If you'd like to see what sales or payments have been deleted, there are two reports you can look at:
Don't want your staff to be able to void sales or payments? You can restrict this in their staff access settings. Find out more here.
Voided sales report
The Voided sales report shows a list of sales that have been voided in your account. You can see the invoice number, the date the sale was voided, who voided it and other important information about the sale.
The filters on this report are:
- Date range: Filters by Date voided
- Location: Filters by sale location
- Staff: Filters by who voided the sale
- Show: Filter by invoice type
At this stage, deleted sales cannot be restored.
Voided payments report
The Voided payments report shows a list of payments that have been voided. These include payments that are voided from an existing sale, as well as payments that were on a sale that has been voided.
For each payment, you can see when it was voided, who voided it and all the other important information about the payment. If the original sale the payment was on is not voided, you'll be able to click on the Invoice ID on the left hand column and view that sale.
The filters on this report are:
- Date range: Filters by Date voided
- Location: Filters by sale location
- Staff: Filters by who voided the sale
- Payment type: Filter by payment type
At this stage, deleted payments cannot be restored.