Note: To make sure you get the very best app experience, you'll need to have the latest version of IOS installed on your phone or iPad.
Selling products through Timely's iOS is really simple. This guide will take you step by step through the sales process.
If you'd like to sell a Product to a customer that isn't associated with a booking, then you can do this directly from the sales screen.
Note: If you have cash management enabled, you will need to the Open register before you can raise a sale. Check out our Open and close the register iOS guide for more information.
- Go to the Sales section from the menu. You can either start a New sale, or tap Draft sales to re-enter any sales you may have started at an earlier time.
Use the Select customer link to Search for an existing customer, or add a New customer:
Tap the customer's name in the search to add them to the sale, or tap 'New' to create a new customer record
If the customer made a product purchase on their last visit, you will be asked if you would like to add that product to this sale. You will also be told when they made the purchase (in this case 2 weeks ago) and how much the unit costs.
- Tap on the customer's name to view their customer record. You can also edit their information from here if required.
- The sale will always open to the Product search, but you can also look up services, appointments, Vouchers, Credit and Packages. Add a product either by typing in its name or SKU number to search:
or by selecting the Barcode icon to open use your device's camera as a barcode scanner. If you have a socket scanner installed you can also use this to input the products barcode. See this guide for more information on barcode scanning
Tap on the product in the list to add it to the sale:To add more than one of that product, tap on the product in the right-hand panel.
- Use the + button next to the Quantity to add multiple of that product to the sale. You can also apply a discount, update the staff member associated with the sale, and if you have permission amend the unit price.
Repeat for any additional products.
- Tap Pay (in the bottom right corner) when you're ready to take payment.
Removing a product from a sale
To remove a product from the sale, swipe left on the product and click Remove