Whether it's just you or you've got a big team, in order to take appointments you'll need to make sure that you've set up 'bookable' staff in Timely. Bookable staff are the people who are trained and can perform treatments or services for clients.
You can assign staff their own working hours, as well as individual services. Each staff member can be given their own unique login via their email address, so they can manage their own calendar and bookings.
- Add a new staff member to your account.
- Select their booking options and services.
- Complete the staff member's personal info.
- Set up the staff member's availability.
- Give a staff member access to their calendar.
Charges for adding new staff
The price of your plan is based directly on the number of active staff you have under Setup > Staff. When adding a new staff member to the account, you will be notified of the additional monthly fee.
If you add a staff member part-way through your billing cycle, you will be immediately charged a "pro-rated" fee for that staff member e.g. if you add them half-way through the month, you'll pay 50% of the monthly fee. This covers their calendar for the remainder of that billing period:
On your next billing date, the staff member will then be included in your regular monthly bill, along with your existing staff.
Add a new staff member
- Head to Setup > Staff in your Timely account.
- Click the green Add staff button:
- You will be prompted to confirm the additional charge by clicking the Continue button:
- Enter the staff member's name and any other personal details that might be useful (note that first and last names are mandatory and an email address will be required for notifications and/or giving staff access to the account:
- You can click Save here to create their profile, or continue on to add more information.
Select their booking options and services
- Scroll down to the Booking options section:
- You then have a few settings available:
- To make this staff member available online, check the box next to Customers can schedule this staff member online.
- Check the box next to Send an automatic email each day with a copy of staff's appointments attached Find out more.
- Check the box to Show the staff member on your mini website.
- Then, in the Services section, determine which services that staff member can perform:
Complete the staff members personal info
- Extra information can be added to your staff to flesh out their profiles.
- This information is optional but is still important as it appears on the
About us page of the mini-website.
Scroll down to the Personal info section:
Add an Alias or nickname which can be used on the calendar.
If they have a Provider or registration number, you can enter the Registration type and Registration number in the fields provided.
This will show up under the tax registration on the invoice:
To add another Reference number/type click the green [+]:
Add a Job title (e.g. Beauty Therapist, Massage Therapist, Senior Stylist etc).
Add a compelling Bio to describe each staff member, this can be viewed when customers are booking online:
Then add a staff specific Message to include at the bottom of confirmation and reminder emails. This is added as a block of text at the end of the email.
Finally, add a photo by clicking the Upload new photo button.
Select an image from your computer:
Click Save once loaded once uploaded to confirm:
Set their normal working hours
- Once you have saved and created the staff member's profile, you will be prompted to add their "
Normal working hours".
The hours that you set here will automatically be applied to that staff member in the Roster. You can then use the Roster to update any individual days where the staff member's working hours are different.
Scroll down to the Normal working hours section:
Select how often you'd like staff to be booked using the Can be booked every setting (Find out more).
Add their Normal working hours working hours. If you have multiple locations, click on the location's name to add the hours at that location:
Check out our How to set staff hours at a location guide for more information.
Give a staff member access to their calendar
Note: Staff access can only be granted by the account holder.
Head to Account in the main menu and choose Staff access from the options:
Locate the staff member in the list and click the Grant access button next to their name:
Toggle their access to "On":
Adjust their access as desired: Check out our How to set access permissions for staff guide for more information.
Click Save to apply your changes and send a login email.