Often when the cash up doesn't balance it is usually due to staff not understanding how to perform it correctly so we would strongly recommend ensuring that all your staff understand how to do the cash up, and what to check if it isn’t adding up
Here we have included some tips for you to check through if you are having cash up
Check all the appointments of the day
Firstly ensure that all bookings have a payment processed for them and are completed, you can easily check this on the calendar by checking for the completed invoice symbol and the completed tick on the appointments
You can also run the Incomplete Appointments report to check if any appointments have been missed
Check each payment has been correctly recorded
It is also a good idea to check each transaction has been recorded correctly as cash, card etc. This helps make sure that your cash up totals are correct.
You can do this using the Transaction Summary report. This gives a breakdown of every transaction each day, who processed it, what payment method was used and the client that it was processed for
Check that the amounts match up
Another reason the cash up can often be out is that the amounts recorded via the card machine and the amounts recorded via Timely are different, this can often be down to user error where the staff member has entered the wrong amount either on the card machine or timely.
Again the Transaction Summary can really help here as you can check each transaction in Timely against your card machine.
Check the location
If you have more than one location it is important to double check the sales have been processed for the correct location. You can refine the Transaction Summary to show you the transactions by location and then check them against the calendar.
Don't leave it too long!
Leaving the Cash Up unbalanced overnight can cause problems leading in to the next working day so it is important to get them resolved before processing any payments the next working day.
If you have tried all of the above and it still won't balance, get in touch with us by submitting a Help Form at our Help Centre. Include as much information as you can, any specific figures or screenshots will always help them to look in to it.