If you are receiving a number of online payment expiry notifications, but are receiving the funds in PayPal, then it could mean that your Instant Payment Notifications (or IPNs) aren't set up correctly.
To make sure payments are successfully received and bookings remain in the calendar:
Check your PayPal IPN settings
If you are receiving a number of online payment expiry notifications, but are receiving the funds in PayPal, then it could mean that your Instant Payment Notifications (or IPNs) aren't set up correctly.
If these aren't set to return to Timely, we won't be notified that the payment was received and the appointment will be removed from the calendar. Or, the gift voucher deleted.
Log in your PayPal account:
- Click on the Settings icon and select Account Settings:
- On the left-hand side under Business Notifications, click on Notifications:
- In the Instant payment notifications section, click on Update:
- Click on Choose IPN Settings:
- Update the URL to https://webhooks.gettimely.com/webhooks/paypal/ and ensure Receive IPN messages (Enabled) is ticked:
- Click Save to apply those settings.
Restore any bookings to the Calendar
If a payment has been received in PayPal, but isn't showing up as Paid in Timely, then the booking may have been removed from your calendar.
You can restore any affected bookings to the calendar via PayPal.
- In PayPal, go to the IPN history page. This can be found by following the steps in Section 1 above.
- From your Account Settings, on the left-hand side under Business Notifications, click on Notifications:
- In the Instant payment notifications section, click on Update:
- Click on IPN History page:
- Choose All (Last 28 days) and then click the Search button:
- Where any payments are showing as "Disabled" or "Error", tick the respective check box and then click the Resend Selected button:
- Click Confirm when prompted. The booking will then reappear on your calendar.
Check out PayPal's guide for more information: https://developer.paypal.com/docs/classic/ipn/integration-guide/IPNOperations/
Handle expired gift voucher payments
If the customer purchased a gift voucher, but the instant payment notification wasn't received in Timely, then the voucher will be voided.
Unfortunately, it's not possible to restore a voided voucher, so the old voucher code will no longer be valid.
If the customer has successfully paid for the voucher, then you will need to issue them a new voucher at the same value.
Our How to sell gift vouchers guide steps you through that process in more detail.