Finding your way around the Calendar
In this guide we'll introduce you to the Calendar, the heart of the Timely system.
The Calendar is likely where you'll be spending most of your time in Timely. If you take appointments, you'll have your own calendar to organise your day.
- Use the house icon to switch between different locations:
- Use the person icon to view the calendar for another staff member:
- Switch between Day, Week and Month views using the buttons in the top right corner:
- Click on the current date in the bar at the top of the calendar. Use the < and > options to move between months and click on a date in the picker to jump to that date in the Calendar:
Click on the [<] or [>] arrows to move back or forward one increment (day/week/month) in the calendar:
Click on the [<<] or [>>] buttons to jump back or forward in the calendar by your desired interval:
Click on the Today button to jump to today's date in the calendar: