If you're using the Timely app on your iPhone or iPad, then you can take photos directly from the Timely app. Photos can then be viewed from the client's record on any computer or device. Find out more about taking photos on the iOS app.
In this guide, we're going to show you how to view and edit photos using the Timely website.
We'll cover how to:
- Upload a photo to a client's record.
- View a photo from a client's record.
- Edit, delete or download a photo.
- Giving staff access to photos
This feature may not be available on your current plan. Find out how to upgrade in our How to change your Timely plan guide.
Upload a photo
If you have a photo of the client on your computer, then you can upload this to their record in Timely:
- Head to the Customers tab in Timely.
- Search for the client and click on their name to open their record.
- Go to the Photos tab:
- Click the Add photo button:
- A window will pop up that allows you to select a photo from your computer. We accept most common file types which includes gif, png, jpeg, jpg, bmp, tif, and tiff but all photos will be saved in jpeg format. The maximum size of a photo file is 10Mb.
- Enter a Description for the image and click Save to finish:
We'll record the date, time and staff member who uploaded the photo, but to make it easier for you to locate photos, we recommend being as descriptive as possible! There is no character limit for photo descriptions.
You will then be able to see the new photo, alongside any other images, in the client's photo gallery:
View a photo from a client's record
- Head to the Customers tab in Timely.
- Search for the client and click on their name in the list to open their record.
- Go to the Photos tab in the client's record. You will see a gallery of all the photos attached to that client's record:
- Click on the photo to view a full size version. You will be able to see the date and which staff member uploaded the photo and the description:
Edit, delete or download a photo
Once you are viewing the image, there are a few things you can do:
- Click Add description to add a description to the photo:
- Click Edit description to change the description accompanying the image:
- Click the Download button ( ) to save a copy to your computer:
- Click the trash icon ( ) to delete the photo:
Giving staff access to photos
You are able to control which staff members have access to photos. The account holder can update these settings by heading to Account > Staff access and clicking Edit access next to the relevant staff member.
If the staff member has access to the " Customers" tab, there will be an additional checkbox available. Check the box next to Allow access to customer photos and click Save to apply:
Check out our How to restrict staff access guide for more information.